conda, snakemake, and HPC

Posted on Wed 05 May 2021 in posts

NOTE: I have since come up with a solution that I like better / think is less hacky, described in this post.

NYU's new high performance computing (HPC) cluster, Greene, was put into production earlier this year and, on the new system, they want all users to use singularity containers for conda environments. This is because conda environments create a bunch of files: one conda environment can contain more than 100 thousand files; on Greene, each user is limited to 1 million files, so it's not great to have that many be eaten up by conda. To get around this, they want everyone to use overlay singularity containers, and have put together some documentation to help users get set up.

However, I use the workflow management system snakemake to run my analyses and found it difficult to set up my environments such that snakemake could make use of them. After meeting with NYU HPC staff and some extra work on both their part and mine, I think I've come up with a solution. I'm not sure if this will help anyone outside of NYU, but I figured it was worth writing up.

  1. As detailed on the HPC site, first pick an appropriate overlay filesystem (based on the number of files and overall size; the one I pick probably has more files than necessar for a single conda environment, and you would need more space if you wanted to install large packages like the recent version of pytorch) and copy it to a new directory in your /scratch/ directory (we'll be calling that directory overlay/ throughout):

    ``` bash mkdir /scratch/$USER/overlay cd /scratch/$USER/overlay

    if you're not on NYU's Greene cluster, this path will almost certainly be


    cp /scratch/work/public/overlay-fs-ext3/overlay-5GB-3.2M.ext3.gz . gunzip overlay-5GB-3.2M.ext3.gz ```

  2. Run a container with the overlay filesystem. You'll have to pick what flavor of linux you want, but it shouldn't matter for our purposes (I picked Ubuntu because it's what I'm most familiar with; CentOS is the version used on most HPC systems, including Greene, so you may want to use that):

    ``` bash

    again, if you're not on Greene, the path to the linux singularity image will

    almost certainly be different

    singularity exec --overlay /scratch/$USER/overlay/overlay-5GB-3.2M.ext3 /scratch/work/public/singularity/ubuntu-20.04.1.sif /bin/bash ```

  3. You are now inside the singularity container. We're going to install our environment in /ext3 using miniconda. Note that you can skip this and the following step on greene by using an HPC-provided script; instead, run bash /setup/apps/utils/singularity-conda/setup-conda.bash.

    bash cd /ext3 wget sh -b -p /ext3/miniconda3

  4. Copy the following into the file /ext3/

    ``` bash


    this needs to be copied into the overlay, as /ext3/

    source /ext3/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ export PATH=/ext3/miniconda3/bin:$PATH ```

  5. /ext3/ is also where you'd modify the path or set environmental variables for additional packages; lmod is not available in the singularity container, so you can't use module load and will have to configure your paths yourself. To see what module load would do, you can run module show freesurfer/6.0.0 (for example) instead, which will show you how the path is modified and what environmental variables are set. For example, for an fMRI project I've been working on, I need access to FSL, Freesurfer, and MATLAB, so I add the following to the end of my file:

    ``` bash

    set up other libraries (module doesn't work in the container)

    export FREESURFER_HOME=/share/apps/freesurfer/6.0.0 export PATH=$FREESURFER_HOME/bin:$PATH export SUBJECTS_DIR=/scratch/wfb229/sfp_minimal/derivatives/freesurfer

    export PATH=/share/apps/matlab/2020b/bin:$PATH

    export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI_GZ export FSLDIR=/share/apps/fsl/5.0.10 export PATH=$FSLDIR/bin:$PATH ```

  6. Run source /ext3/ to source the above file, configuring your path so conda is found on it. Run which conda and which python to make sure: it should show /ext3/miniconda3/bin/conda and /ext3/miniconda3/bin/python, respectively.

  7. Install your conda environment like normal, using conda install and pip install. (Note: this post assumes you're installing your environment in the miniconda base environment, since we'll only have a single environment per overlay container; you could probably install it in a new environment as well, as long as you modify the following /ext3/ so that it ends with conda activate <my-env>). For example, let's install numpy and snakemake:

    bash conda install numpy snakemake -c bioconda

  8. Exit out of the singularity container. We now need to allow snakemake to access this environment. For that, two components are required: a snakemake profile for slurm and a way to redirect the python and snakemake commands so they use the versions found within the container. Download the snakemake-slurm repo and place it in ~/.config (the important part of this config for the purposes of this post is, particularly the lines where we modify the path):

    ``` bash

    exit the container


    create the snakemake slurm profile

    mkdir -p ~/.config/snakemake cd ~/.config/snakemake github clone slurm ```

  9. Copy the following into the file /scratch/$USER/overlay/

    ``` bash


    args='' for i in "$@"; do i="${i//\/\\}" args="$args \"${i//\"/\\"}\"" done

    module purge

    export PATH=/share/apps/singularity/bin:$PATH

    file systems

    export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=/mnt,/scratch,/share/apps if [ -d /state/partition1 ]; then export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=$SINGULARITY_BINDPATH,/state/partition1 fi

    SLURM related

    export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=$SINGULARITY_BINDPATH,/opt/slurm,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/var/run/munge,/etc/passwd export SINGULARITYENV_PREPEND_PATH=/opt/slurm/bin if [ -d /opt/slurm/lib64 ]; then export SINGULARITY_CONTAINLIBS=$(echo /opt/slurm/lib64/libpmi* | xargs | sed -e 's/ /,/g') fi

    nv="" if [[ "$(hostname -s)" =~ ^g ]]; then nv="--nv"; fi cmd=$(basename $0)

    singularity exec $nv \ --overlay /scratch/$USER/overlay/overlay-5GB-3.2M.ext3:ro \ /scratch/work/public/singularity/ubuntu-20.04.1.sif \ /bin/bash -c " source /ext3/ $cmd $args exit "


  10. Create symlinks for python, python3, and snakemake, all redirecting to our newly created

    bash cd /scratch/$USER/overlay ln -sv python ln -sv python3 ln -sv snakemake

  11. Add the following lines to your .bashrc so that these symlinks are on your path. Exit and enter your shell so this modification takes effect. You can check this worked with which snakemake or which python, which should give you /scratch/$USER/overlay/snakemake and /scratch/$USER/overlay/python, respectively. Now, snakemake and python will both use that script, which runs the command using the singularity overlay image.

    ``` bash if [ "$SINGULARITY_CONTAINER" == "" ]; then export PATH=/scratch/$USER/overlay:$PATH fi


  12. Now, this is the hacky part: start the overlay container back up, and modify the snakemake executor so it uses python instead of sys.executable (sys.executable will be the absolute path to a python interpreter and thus not use the sneaky symlinks we just created; bare python will use them because of how we've set up our path). Open up the singularity executor file; the exact path to this will depend on where you installed miniconda and your snakemake version, but on mine (python 3.7.8 and snakemake 5.4.5) it's /ext3/miniconda3/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/ (on more recent versions of snakemake, it will be snakemake/executors/ Then find the lines where self.exec_job is being defined and {sys.executable} is used (lines 240 and 430 for my install) and replace {sys.executable} with python. Here's my diff as an example:

    ``` diff 240,241c240 < # '{sys.executable} -m snakemake {target} --snakefile {snakefile} ', < 'python -m snakemake {target} --snakefile {snakefile} ',

            '{sys.executable} -m snakemake {target} --snakefile {snakefile} ',

    430,431c429 < # '{sys.executable} ' if assume_shared_fs else 'python ', < 'python ',

                '{sys.executable} ' if assume_shared_fs else 'python ',


That should work. I'm not super happy with having to modify snakemake's source code to get this working, but it does work. Let me know if you know of a better solution!

Note that you cannot have the overlay container open in a separate terminal session while you attempt to use it via snakemake (though it does look like you can run multiple independent jobs simultaneously via snakemake, with the -j flag).

Here's a way to test that all of the above is working:

  1. Copy the following into ~/Snakefile

    ``` python rule test_run: log: 'test_run.log' run: import numpy print("Success!")

    rule test_shell: log: 'test_shell.log' shell: "python -c 'import numpy'; echo success!" ```

  2. From your home directory, run snakemake -j 2 --profile slurm test_run test_shell. If everything was set up correctly, it should run without a problem. If not, check the logs ~/test_run.log and ~/test_shell.log to see if they contain any helpful information. You may also want to add the --verbose flag to the snakemake command, which will cause it to print out the snakemake jobscript to the terminal, making it easier to debug.
