Effects of Foveation on Early Visual Processing

Billy Broderick

April 14, 2022

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Receptive fields grow with eccentricity

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… and as you go up the visual hierarchy

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Receptive fields grow linearly with eccentricity

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Visual system

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Visual system

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Spatial frequency

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Macaque V1 neurons are tuned for spatial frequency

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Macaque V1 neurons are tuned for spatial frequency

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This tuning changes with eccentricity

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This tuning changes with eccentricity

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Stimulus period grows linearly with eccentricity

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Stimuli span a wide range of eccentricities

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Stimuli span a wide range of eccentricities

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… and orientations

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fMRI responses are tuned for spatial frequency

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Peak spatial frequency gets higher as eccentricity drops

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This holds across stimulus classes, though peak spatial frequency may differ

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Model parameters

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Largest effect is eccentricity dependence, others are modest

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Largest effect is eccentricity dependence, others are modest

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Largest effect is eccentricity dependence, others are modest

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Largest effect is eccentricity dependence, others are modest

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Largest effect is eccentricity dependence, others are modest

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Preferred period is an affine function of eccentricity

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Size of offset equivalent to 3 degrees eccentricity

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Size of offset equivalent to 3 degrees eccentricity

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Effect of orientation largest at horizontal meridian, disappears at vertical

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Effect of orientation largest at horizontal meridian, disappears at vertical

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Effect of orientation largest at horizontal meridian, disappears at vertical

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Intermediate conclusions

  • Developed novel set of scaled grating stimuli
  • Measured voxel spatial frequency tuning across human V1
  • Fit responses of all voxels simultaneously with a single 9 parameter model
  • Showed an affine relationship between preferred period and eccentricity
  • Showed effects of orientation on preferred period and relative amplitude
  • Shared data, parameters, and code: https://github.com/billbrod/spatial-frequency-preferences
  • Serves as a step towards a generalized model of whole map

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Perceptual metamers

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Project overview

  • Built foveated models of the early visual system
  • Created hundreds of model metamers
  • Showed them to humans in psychophysics experiment
  • Found largest model parameter whose model metamers are also human metamers

Local average luminance model

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These models have a single parameter: scaling

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Local spectral energy model

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More complex statistics can be pooled over a larger area

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Distortions depend on which statistic is being pooled

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Interaction between statistic and window size is what matters

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Experiment structure

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Experiment structure

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Intermediate conclusions

  • Built foveated models of two stages of early visual processing
  • Synthesized large set of model metamers: https://users.flatironinstitute.org/~wbroderick/metamers/
  • Ran psychophysics experiment to find each model’s critical scaling
  • Showed spatial scale of pooling grows with statistic complexity

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Software is under-funded

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Software is under-funded

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… but heavily-used

  • 92% of British academics use research software
  • 69% say their research would not be practical without research software
  • Vast majority of top 100 all-time cited papers describe experimental methods or software
  • and that’s probably an undercount

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plenoptic contents

  • Metamer: my second chapter, Freeman and Simoncelli 2011, Portilla and Simoncelli 2000
  • Eigendistortion: Berardino et al. 2017
  • Geodesics: Hénaff and Simoncelli 2015, Hénaff et al. 2019
  • MAD Competition: Wang and Simoncelli 2008
  • Models: Portilla-Simoncelli texture statistics, Steerable Pyramid, FrontEnd models from Berardino et al. 2017

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  • Fit single model to all voxels in human V1 to show how spatial frequency preferences change across the visual field
  • Showed how spatial information is discarded by the early visual system
  • Discussed importance of open-source software
  • Described plenoptic, python package for models and synthesis methods

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